Year-end-meeting of the ASIS Benelux Chapter

Locatie:  ESTEC Noordwijk
Datum:  13 december

Op 13 december vindt de ASIS Benelux eindejaarsbijeenkomst plaats bij het European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk. Vanuit het ASIS bestuur willen wij graag het bestuur van de VBN en VBN-leden de mogelijkheid bieden om bij deze bijeenkomst aanwezig te kunnen zijn. Daarom hebben wij enkele plaatsen voor het VBN bestuur en VBN-leden reserveert o.b.v. ‘first come, first served’. VBN-leden (incl. bestuur) kunnen zich aanmelden middels een mail naar het secretariaat: te sturen. Onderstaand het programma:


Year-end-meeting of the ASIS Benelux Chapter - Friday 13 december 2019


On Friday the 13th (oops…) of December, we will have our Year-end-meeting at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. ESTEC is the technical heart - the incubator of the European space effort - where most the European Space Agency’s projects are born and where they are guided through the various phases of development.  We are extraordinarily pleased and proud that Eduard Emde is willing to host us. The agenda for the meeting is enclosed below.

We are delighted that Bas Sluijsmans will be our key-note speaker. Bas is an expert in Cyber Forensics and eDiscovery, having worked for over six years in international law enforcement and intelligence and more than ten years with two Big4 firms in eDiscovery, Cyber incident response and forensic investigations. Bas is co-founder of Forcyd where his focus is on new and intelligent solutions and services using EDiscovery and Cyber Forensics technology.

ESTEC is located at Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk. Our meeting is held at meeting room ‘Newton 2’. There should be sufficient parking spots, but carpooling is encouraged. Bus 30/32 from Leiden CS is an effective public transport option. The bus stops on the ESTEC terrain.




15:00    Registration and welcome coffee/tea

15:30    Welcome by Eduard Emde - Past President, ASIS International and Head of the Health, Safety and Security Section at ESA European Space Agency

15:35    Opening presentation by Michel de Jong – Benelux Chapter Chair and Head of Global Security at COFRA Holding on “ Threat Management for ‘vulnerable professions’

16:00    Keynote by Bas Sluijsmans – Partner at Forcyd: “ Insider threats – A human cyber issue


Insider threats are an increasing risk to businesses and organisations worldwide. Where cyber security focusses on the technology-related side of a company, our insider threat solution deals with human behaviour based on what people write (email, documents etc.) and how they communicate (calls, skype chat etc). Using six real life examples of insider threats identified with Forcyd’s technology, Bas will demonstrate how to tackle these threats and minimize their impact on organizations.


17:00    Certification news
17.15    Network reception

18:15    Close & goodbyes


Please be aware that in order to gain access to the ESTEC site, each visitor will have to check in at the gate-house and present a valid ID (passport or NL ID card!). ESTEC Security will make a scan of your ID. Please note that the registration of your valid ID may take some time, so you need to allow some time for entry